A Blogger’s Prayer

My best friend sent me this link today, and I wholeheartedly agree with it. I did not start this blog to do anything more than to create a medium for me to ‘journal’ in a new way, one that would hopefully encourage those that run across it and challenge me to be more open, honest, & willing to be humbled by admiting my struggles and faults, in the hopes that it would bless someone else that reads it. (I also LOVE spiritual growth discussions, so that is just a side benefit if others choose to engage in the topic.)

A Blogger’s Prayer (Upside Down Blogging)

I can’t vouch for anything else on this person’s blog, although I would expect that it would be nothing but uplifting, and I hope to discover more of it soon!

Praying your day is encouraging,

New Webcast study

So- I have every intention of sharing about this new web cast that I’ve started watching with a few close friends soon! I’m very excited about it, and hope that you will check it out! It’s not just about dieting or eating healthy, but about approaching life in a healthy way and keeping things in their proper place – and allowing God to be our first priority and greatest desire.

So, that’s coming soon! But please check out the MadeToCrave Website for more information if you’re interested!

Made to Crave Webcast

I just started this new study called “Made to Crave” that has a free web cast on Monday evenings at 8:00PM EST on www.madetocrave.org. I’m especially excited because I have a few friends that will also be logging on to watch, and then being able to discuss it together! This is my new women’s ‘small group’ right now since Natalie still young, and I don’t want to commit to being out of the house one night a week right now.

So, please check this out if you’re in the need of some extra encouragement or interested in the topic of learning how to approach food and dieting in a healthy way, and ultimately craving God above all else.

More thoughts on this later – just wanted to get this out there in case anyone wants to join in!

If you want to see tonight’s web cast, they will re-air it again on the website tomorrow, Tuesday, January 11th at noon and 3:00PM.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this if you want to share!