Sunday mornings with kids don’t disappointment

Before kids, although I can hardly remember that 27 years of my life now, I’d heard of it. The new level of struggle that comes with Sunday mornings. But until I have lived it, I didn’t know. Not really.

Last Sunday, I had both kids sans husband while he was gone serving. And man, oh man. The crazies came out in my kids.

I mean, I am here with them 5 our of 7 days, alone, totally outnumbered (2 to 1), and for the most part, I can subdue this territory. Or at least keep us from riot mode. Why should Sunday be any different?

But Sundays are another animal, and all I can honestly do is laugh about it. Otherwise, I would be curled up in the corner, crying.

Last week, all before 9:00AM, I was chasing my son around the kitchen, trying to give him much-needed ear drops. (And if you have never encountered ear-drops, then you don’t know the gelatinous awfulness of it. I would be screaming my head off and running around the kitchen, too, if you tried to put it in my ear). Once I finally succeeded, I then found honey in both mine and my son’s hair (or maybe it was the ear drops again, I’m not entirely sure). Seriously? So while going to try to eradicate my hair of honey without having to shower again – is there a pinterest tip for this? -I suddenly hear my son cackling.

You think, aww, sweet.
That is what that cackle means.

And that morning, trouble looked like my 18 month old running down our hallway with the plunger. (I made sure to thank my husband later that afternoon for leaving it in the kids’ bathroom.)

Can I just douse the entire house in water and disinfectant and start the day again? Nope – 20 minutes to church. Ugh….Sunday strikes again.

This week – it’s tuning up to be another good one. A whole pitcher of water (and 6 roses) poured into the middle of the kitchen floor. Yep, the 18 month old again. I knew I needed to mop, but I would have preferred using non-plant food dissolved water. Sigh. It’s only 7:45AM.

Yes, Sunday, you never fail to provide a level of excitement that I seem to always be unprepared for. But not for long. I know your game now.

Next week – I’m waking up with rubber gloves & two sets of clothes (per child) ready. Do your best, Sunday. I’ll be ready.

This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24